Project description:
NVA Sisters in STEM Initiative will seek 60 African American girls grades 6th-12th to provide enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom. Industry professional women and college girls majoring in a STEM field will serve as mentors, facilitators, and guest speakers. The girls will participate in bi-weekly learning experiences that take place on the weekends for 2-3 hour sessions. These experiences include workshops, fieldtrips, community service, S.i.S night outs, flight lessons, science immersions, and more. A brief description of the activities are as follows:
Workshops: Girls will participate in 10 workshops through NVA’s Build-2-Fly and Beauty of STEM (B.O.S.) program that incorporates the skills of building, creating, math, science, engineering, and entrepreneurship.
The Build-2-Fly program introduces students to Aeronautical Engineering, Aviation Mechanics, Drone Technology, Kite Making, Rocketry, Weather, and Math.
The (B.O.S.), introduces girls to chemistry, applied mathematics, health, hygiene and entrepreneurship. Girls will make their own bath and body products while learning cosmetic chemistry and math concepts.
Fieldtrips: The girls will have the opportunity to participate in 3 fieldtrips that includes The Virginia Air & Space Center in Hampton, VA; The 45th National Society of Black Engineers Convention in Detroit, and Costa Rica.
Community Service: NVA Sisters In STEM will volunteer at the Annual Anthem Richmond Marathon to handout water, snacks, energy drinks and give cheers of encouragement to the runners.
S.i.S. Night Out: Sisters In STEM Night Out will give girls a fun girls night out with professional women and college girls in STEM. There will be activities that promote fitness and sisterhood and give the girls an opportunity to open up and get connected with their mentors in an informal setting.
Fight Lessons: Girls will receive 3 flight lessons and become official Young Eagles. Once they take their first flight lesson, the girls will receive an EAA Membership card that is valued at $300. This card gets them and 4 family members into over 300 Science Museums in the country for FREE, until they turn 18!
Science Immersion: Girls will participate in 3 Science Immersions to include: Augmented Reality Boot Camp at VCU School of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science, Computer Science Day at VCU School of Engineering, and a 24hr CodeDay lock-in.

Join the S.i.S. Initiative Today!
*Must be a 6th-12th grade girl
*Actively participate in the 9 month program
*Must be registered with NVA STEM
Volunteers Needed:
Are you a woman in a STEM Career or female college student willing to mentor young girls, facilitate a workshop, and participate in S.i.S. night outs? If so, send us your info on our contact us page.
