Build-2-Fly Program

If it flies...we will build it!

This STEM program is designed to introduce students 3rd-12th grade to Aeronautical Engineering, Aviation, Mechanics, Drone Technology, Rocketry, Weather, and Math. Students will engage in hand-on learning activities, attend fly days at the park, and aerospace museum trips. In addition, high school students who want to further pursue the path of Aeronautics, will have the opportunity to become FAA certified in flying Drones and receive their FAA Private Pilots License.
Fee: $20 NVA STEM students/ $40 non students
Business and Government Support:
Several professionals from the industry will be recruited to assist as instructors, mentors, and technical advisors. This program will significantly impact the community by bringing increase awareness to the need for students pursuing careers in Aeronautical Aviation.
Our current partners are:
US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol, Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 231, Young Eagles, Youth Aeronautic Education Foundation, Chesterfield Airport, Middle Peninsula Regional Airport.